Monday, February 10, 2025

Under The Pepper Tree

Under the Pepper Tree is devoted to the little lives that have passed on. Some did this with old age and some never got that chance to grow up. All were loved very much and we miss you terrible.

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MoMo . . . out dear sweet Mo . . . passed away in his sleep July 4th, 2011. He was in no pain and had a couple of other pups around him. We had hoped for a few more years, but that was not to be. Mo was our oldest and the first to be buried in our little cemetery. Now we add the ashes of others who have not found a permanent home. No one will ever be alone again.



Winky.JPG.opt412x412o0,0s412x412Our dearest Winky. Our first rescue and a permanent fixture at the ranch for 16 years. There are still no words to convey the deep loss we still feel.







lola.JPG.opt330x336o0,0s330x336Little Lola arrived from the shelter and was having seizures, we kept her with us and with medication had her seizures under control. The powers that be felt Lola needed to join those who have gone before her over the rainbow bridge. She was a lovely, fun pooch and her zest for life is greatly missed.