Monday, February 10, 2025


Forgotten Paws has a number of fundraising initiatives. Simply by making purchases on various sites, a portion of your purchase will go towards Forgotten Paws Animal Rescue. These are the sites we are currently listed with . . .


Unknown-1We have an Amazon Wish List where we have listed items we can always use here at the ranch . . .



Unknown-2We are a listed charity with the Amazon Smile Program. If you select Forgotten Paws Animal Rescue as your charity, every time you make a purchase – at no cost to you – we will receive a donation.


Unknown-3We are a registered charity with iGive. If you select Forgotten Paws Animal Rescue as your charity, every time you make a purchase anywhere online – at no cost to you – we will receive a donation.

Here’s a link explaining how it works:


Thank You for noticing our rescue and we hope you will continue to follow our progress and support us in our endeavours.